[PROBLEM] Incomplete list of addresses in Outlook Address book pluging

If you have encountered the problem that the list of users is incomplete in MailNow! Outlook address book pluging, it is caused simply because of the default settings of openldap configuration which allows only to retrieve 500 addresses. In order to fix this problem follow the instructions below:

1- For MailNow! 4:
 - Navigate to "<mailNow 4 installation directory>/LDAP/" and open the file named "slapd.conf" using notepad. Scroll to the end of the file and add the line "sizelimit -1". Save the file and restart LDAP server.

2- For MailNow! 5:
 - Navigate to "C:\Program Files\InternetNow!\OpenLDAP" folder and open the file named "slapd.conf" using notepad. Scroll to the end of the file and add the line "sizelimit -1". Save the file and restart LDAP server.

Note that between sizelimit and -1 there is whitespace.