[INFO] MailNow! 5 Log's Interpretation

You may find a simple guide for MailNow! 5 log/s as below:


2014-06-24 11:59:00 264 Info Transaction ended: O:root@realmild.com.my,A:pop3@realmild.com.my,S:mail.realmild.com.my,T:0,I:0,OK:0,D:0


O: Owner

A: pop3 Account

S: pop3 server

T: Total number of emails on server

I: Number of email supposed to be downloaded

OK: Number of email Successfully Downloaded

D: Number of emails Duplicate and Dropped



2014-06-24 11:57:30 2261 Info New transaction started. .\smtpqueue\radicare.com.my\LINf8698511-c7df-4334-b24f-5fa4c1c16e48.qjb,S:nur.suhana@radicare.com.my,R:(masitahh@radicare.com.my)

2014-06-24 11:57:31 2261 Info Transaction ended: SC:1,F:0,B:0,OC:Completed


S = Sender

R = Recipient/s

SC = Number of Successful deliveries

F = Number of Failed Deliveries

B= Number of bounce backs

OC = Completion Status



X-MN-SPAM-DTL: spam=0, scr=15, ver=01.372.80 ,^A301-01 (15)


Spam=0: No spam detected

Spam=1 Spam

Spam=11 or spam=12: Infomail

Spam=6 Email is suspicious

Scr: The email's Scan Score

Ver: Antispam Version

^A301-01 (15): The reason of detection result (and the Score)


SMTPQUEUE File Names starts with "EOU, LIN, EUN, LUN" which means:


  • EOU02d269f1-7991-4dce-bd08-bc7b1e444f00.dat
  • EOU02d269f1-7991-4dce-bd08-bc7b1e444f00.qjb


.dat = Email's content

.qjb = some information about the email like how is the sender, who is the recipient/s and how the email is sending.

FYI: Both .dat and .qjb files belongs to one email.

EOU = External Mail

LIN = Internal Mail

EUN = External Undeliverable Mail

LUN = Internal Undeliverable Mail