How to reset Mailnow 5 admin password
If you encounter this issue, please follow the step below:-
1. go to start | run | services.msc | stop Mailnow service
2. go to mailnow directory | Users folder
3. rename Users folder
4. restart mailnow service
5. when you go to browser | type localhost:8383 | it will pop up to reset admin password
6. fill in the information include the domain name | trusted ip and file location.
7. login to Mailnow 5 to confirm the password you keyin is working.
8. stop mailnow service again
9. copy the User folder that you have rename(previous user folder) | copy all file EXCEPT setting.xml
10. Paste to current User folder (overwrite)
11. restart mailnow service | log in to mailnow 5 | you should be able to have all the original setting.
*12. check system setting scheduler | make sure configure every 5 mins to download the mail.